Sue Musson » Sue Musson

Sue Musson

Director of Elementary

I completed my Masters in Education in Reading and Assessment from the University of Louisville. I received my teaching certificate (1st-8th) after completing a BS in Education from the University of Kentucky. My work before Virginia Chance School included supervising and teaching student teachers and “phase” students at the University of Louisville and serving on a committee as a Teacher Educator in the K-TIP (Kentucky Teacher Internship Program) process for newly hired teachers. I have organized and created reading/writing summer camps for students and have provided reading intervention for those in need.

I initially came to Virginia Chance School as a parent of two young daughters. They began the program as two-year-olds and completed this excellent program before going on to middle school. As parents, my husband Charles and I were strong supporters of the school’s mission and philosophy and the whole child approach. We were both active volunteers, and each served on the Board while our children attended the school.

After finishing my work at the University of Louisville, I became a part-time program/faculty consultant for Virginia Chance School, which gradually evolved into a full-time position as Director of Elementary. I am inspired every day by the outstanding work of our teachers; I feel privileged to work alongside each of them. I have been in this role for 25+ years and still look forward to coming to work each day. I have a fantastic job with amazing people!  

While observing classrooms as a supportive guide for our program, I feel joyful that we have the right teachers dedicated to the progressive methodology because I see the skillful way they ask deep questions to get to deep thinking. By being masters at active listening, our teachers are facilitators of learning; the voices and ideas of children are heard, honored, and included in planning, instruction, and the development of daily investigations and experiences.

Our classrooms tell and support the stories of children’s interests. Our school grounds provide the place and space for further exploration and discovery, which leads to new questions and wonders to investigate, resulting in deep learning. It is gratifying to witness and promote teaching practices at such a high level of professionalism, and aligning so seamlessly with what research tells us is right for children during these formative years. I am honored to be at a school that is respectful and mindful of what each child offers as a unique individual and an engaging program that each child deserves as a learner, in our ever-changing and evolving world.

Outside of my work, I enjoy visiting my two grown daughters (DC and Chicago), keeping my old house up and running, walking and being with my dog, Winnie, enjoying yoga classes, reading professional books and a variety of books with my book club, and traveling with my husband. My life is full!