Our Approach » Movement & Playtime

Movement & Playtime


Movement and Learning

Anyone who has been around children knows that children love to be active. But activity is much more than fun. Children learn from movement and develop essential skills. That’s why at Chance, movement is an integral part of learning, whether inside the classroom or outside on our beautiful campus. You won’t find children restricted to their seats, sitting in rows with few choices. What you will see is children up and doing, exploring the room, active in projects and stimulated by collaboration.

Chance students experience a routine that blends learning centers, workshops, group time, PE classes and indoor/outdoor recess. It’s the right movement mix for developing minds.

Better performance
For young children, movement is a necessary means of communication and learning. It is critical to their life and education. That’s why Chance teachers give children as many opportunities as possible to be physically active and to learn through movement – even in daily classroom activities.

Movement is like a generator to the brain, and of course, the brain is involved in all learning. Study after study has demonstrated the connection between the part of the brain that is primarily used in movement and the cognitive functions, such as memory, spatial orientation, attention, language and decision-making. And multiple studies have shown that physically active students have improved academic performance, achieve higher test scores and have a better attitude toward school.

Healthier lifestyles
With the prevalence of childhood obesity, the health benefits of movement during school are immeasurable. In addition to controlling weight, physical activity promotes strong bones and muscles, increases endurance and flexibility, reduces the risk of heart disease, and relieves stress and anxiety. In the classroom, students are more focused for longer periods of time.


At Chance, students are fortunate to have facilities and a daily schedule that allow for movement during classroom activities, PE classes and recess. Playtime & Recess is never withheld or controlled in Virginia Chance School we believe it is counterproductive and shaming, to that end, we explicitly encourage outdoor free-play excursions if the classroom is getting a bit rowdy as a calming and refocusing technique.

Children are innately physically active. At recess, children will be running, jumping, throwing and kicking. It is what they do naturally … and they enjoy it! This physical activity improves learning, health and attention, and provides valuable opportunities for them to learn through movement.

For these reasons, regardless of weather, Chance students enjoy free play each day on the school’s outdoor play areas. Each child plays outside every day, except during heavy rain and thundering.

The Funroom (gymnasium) provides a dry area year-round; a smaller playground allows 2-year-olds to play on age-appropriate equipment in a designated outdoor area; a larger playground is nestled under trees and provides a unique setting for 3-year-olds through fifth-graders to have fun while being active in the great outdoors.