Destiny Kendall » Destiny Kendall

Destiny Kendall

Preschool Threes Teacher

I have worked at Chance School for three years. This year, I received my Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, reinforcing my dedication to providing the best possible learning experience for our students. I began my journey at Chance by floating in the preschool classrooms, and over the past two years, I have had the privilege of working closely with passionate educators, and I am beyond grateful for the knowledge and wisdom they have shared with me. As I begin this new school year, I carry a piece of each teacher with me, cherishing the unique teaching styles, insights, and expertise that have influenced my approach.

The progressive education principles embraced at Chance School resonate deeply with my teaching philosophy. I firmly believe that by providing a nurturing and inclusive environment, we can empower our students to develop not only academically but also socially and emotionally.

In working at Chance, I have found that our integrated outdoor curriculum is one of the biggest aspects that have impacted both our students and me. Watching our students' sense of wonder and excitement as they explore nature has strengthened my commitment to incorporating outdoor learning experiences into our day-to-day activities. This outdoor curriculum allows students to develop essential life skills, critical thinking skills, curiosity, and a deeper connection with the world around them.

Inquiry-based learning is at the core of my teaching practices, and it brings me so much joy to observe our students transform into curious investigators and critical thinkers. By encouraging their innate curiosity and allowing them to lead the way in their own learning journey, I can watch the growth and confidence that blossom in each child.

Outside of school, my family and I love to travel, hike, play games, and discover new places! When we aren't doing these things, I will be resting at home while binging a new series.