Zones of Regulation

In addition to addressing self-regulation, our goal is for students to gain an increased vocabulary of emotional terms to identify their feelings more accurately. The Zones help them gain insight into events that trigger their behavior and learn calming strategies and social problem-solving skills as they become more adept at reading themselves and situations.

Over the last couple of weeks, we have discussed two of the four zones, the Green and the Red.
The Green Zone
Many feelings reside in the Green Zone, like responsible, rested, creative, cheerful, safe, focused, loved, and calm. These descriptors can give peers or teachers a deepened understanding of a person's feelings, more so than just saying, "I'm feeling happy," or "I'm feeling good." At school, an essential part of the Green Zone is that these feelings help prepare our body and mind for learning.
The Yellow Zone
The Yellow Zone describes when you start to lose control, such as when you are frustrated, overwhelmed, silly, wiggly, excited, worried, anxious, or surprised.
The Blue Zone
The Blue Zone is when your body is running slow, such as when you are tired, sick, sad, or disengaged.
The Red Zone
This zone is reserved for EXTREME emotions. When you are in the Red Zone, you are out of control, have trouble making good decisions, and could hurt someone and/or yourself. There are different feeling words in the Red Zone than in the Green.
Your children learned what children learned through pictures, acting, and books, the feelings and actions that fall in the Red Zone category. A lot of new vocabulary was discussed, which might be fun to talk about this weekend! Here are some of the new words we learned:
After learning about each zone and using them to help us identify our feelings, we learn tools and strategies to move through the zones. This will teach us how to regulate our feelings and help us work through all the emotions we feel throughout our day.