Campus Life » Welcome to Chance School!

Welcome to Chance School!

Welcome to the information hub of our parent community at Virginia Chance School. We believe in nurturing not just the intellectual growth of our students but also strong, collaborative relationships with our parents. This Campus Life section is designed to guide you through the essentials of becoming an active, supportive, and engaged member of our educational family.

Embarking on this journey together, we recognize parents' crucial role in educational outcomes. It's a partnership where communication, involvement, and understanding bloom into the success and well-being of our students. Here, we will explore the various ways you can contribute to and enhance this vibrant learning environment, from volunteer opportunities and parent-teacher collaborations to understanding the nuances of carpool and supporting your child's learning at home.

This guide is more than just an introduction; it's an invitation to be part of something truly memorable for your child. We look forward to sharing school-wide event invites, sports, and enrichment sign-ups and helping you navigate making new connections together through the Chance School community.

Welcome aboard, and let's embark on this exciting journey of discovery, growth, and community at Virginia Chance School. Click the Forest Green Navigation to the right to discover answers to your questions and get acquainted with us!